Sunday, December 29, 2013

Images from December 27 DMK 31 Revisited

After seeing the long awaited results from Bill's new DMK 41 I was inspired to go back to my DMK 31 and give it a go for the barlow'd images These images are all from the 27 and were done with my 31 at various focal lengths . My conditions were pretty good but using the 2.5 Powermate was pushing it a bit .These images have restored my faith in the slower DMK 31

1000mm Focal Length

1600mm Focal Length

2500mm Focal Length


Bill Griffith said...

Excellent results Mike! I think higher resolution is where it is at. :-)

Unknown said...

Great job Mike! You and Bill do great imaging with the DMKs. I will experiment with my DSLR for a while...maybe. You guys really knock it out of the park both here and on the forum! Thanks guys!

Bill Griffith said...

You are very kind Chris. Thank you.