Mercury Transit - I did manage to take some videos of the Mercury transit. It was a fairly windy here but the sky was clear and at times there were widely spaced clouds. The wind was the biggest problem. I'm still transferring images from my laptop to my desk computer where I will process them. I will post some (If they a passable.) pictures as soon as I can. :-) I should add that Mercury was about half way through the transit before I could start imaging in my location. I haven't heard from Mike yet. Hopefully he was able to get some images too. Update: Mike had a good day too, so I will be looking forward to his full disk images.
Mercury below AR2543 -
Farther back and about an hour and a quarter later.
Mercury with AR2542 & AR2543 -
Approaching the limb about 10:05 AM MDT (About two hours and forty minutes to go.) -
Another view -
Mercury passing AR2541 I believe -
Closer to the limb -
Change of pace (Inverted) AR2541, 42, 43 -
Closer, about 30 minutes to go -
Mean while in the other direction -
Very close now -
Just a dent in the edge of the sun now -
Taken approximately 4 minutes after the above image and inverted and over exposed to see if any hint of mercury appeared. None did. -
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