Monday, October 26, 2015

Sunday Sun

A mix of sun and clouds yesterday but a nice day to be outside . I stuck with it and managed these shots through the sunny breaks .    Mike

                                                                           AR 2436

Saturday, October 24, 2015

October Solar

First off Hats Off to Bill for bringing us some great October solar images , well done my friend !!

The sun does still shine in Ontario at this time of the year although not as often as the summer . My sky has been unsettled up here but this is the norm as the cold arctic air moves in for the winter . The sky was very clear and crisp yesterday when I shot these but for some reason the images turned out grainy and lack the crisp detail that I like to see . This could have been due to upper atmosphere disturbances or it could have been due to me using my smaller Losmandy mount for these captures . A pier for the winter months would be ideal but this won't happen this year .    Mike

                                                     October 23 2015

AR 2436


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

We finally had a rainy day.  Yesterday for our area it rained hard for quite a while.  A very much needed rain.  The hazy smoky air was cleared and today was sunny if not a little windy but good enough to image.  :-)  Bill

AR2436 -

AR2436, AR 2437 and a little bit of AR2435 at the bottom -

AR2434 -
Two days after this image was taken this sunspot produced a three hour long flare.

AR2434 using 2.5 Powermate -

One of the bigger proms -

Smaller prom -

Closer in on AR2436 -

AR2435 (DMK-21 with 2.5 Powermate) -

Friday, October 16, 2015

Another lull in the action from Mike and me.  Either weather or in my case weather and more smoke from another wild fire has prevented us from getting any images.  The solar activity has been way down but could be picking up a bit now. 

From Space Weather .com  -

AROUND THE BEND: Get ready for something new. An active sunspot may have announced itself just hours ago by hurling a massive plume of plasma over the sun's southeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture on Oct. 16th at 1300 UT:

 It is too soon to say whether a CME is emerging from the blast site. Coronagraph data from SOHO are not yet available. However, even if the explosion did produce a CME, it is not heading for Earth. The instigating sunspot is still on the farside of the sun, more than 90o off the sun-Earth line.

Hopefully Mike or I or both can catch some of this action.  We have come to feel an obligation to our viewers to keep the images coming and we will as soon as conditions permit.  :-)

Friday, October 2, 2015

There has been a magnificent prom the previous two day.  Mike nor I could image due to our weather and we were disappointed that we didn't catch the prom.  Today my sky wasn't too bad but the wind is high.  i gave it a go anyway.  The big prom is gone and there is an interesting looking one but I will have to see if I got a good capture on this one.  The sunspot activity had lessened also but I made a few videos.

AR2422 -

Here is a shot of the strange prom.  I needed to use my DMK-21 for the higher frame rate due to the shaking from the wind and haze in the sky.  -

AR2428 at the limb I believe -

Again with the DMK-21 and 2.5 Powermate -

One more in mono.  More detail in the prom.  This is all I could get out of the sun today with the conditions.  I would have had this much without the DMK-21's frame rate.  Of course the trade-off is resolution. -