Monday, March 31, 2014

Teamwork Images March 30 2014

I managed to get out and grab some images these last 2 days but am behind in my processing . These were my captures from the 30th and Bill did a fantastic job of processing them for me , Thank You Bill !!

AR 2021

NE Limb

SW Limb

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Images March 23, 2014

Here are some images from today.  I should have more later on to add to this selection.

Prom images taken with my DMK-21 -

Images taken with my DMK-41.
AR2010 and AR2013-

AR2014 and AR2017 -
Interesting filament 'Y' connection near AR2014.

March Solar Images

I finally have a few images to post to the blog.  Mike has been doing a great job of getting outstanding images to post.

From March 12 -  Shot from the western limb.  You can see the very long filament in this area.

 And one image from March 22 -   There was too much haze to get a nice image and this was the best that I came up with on that day.

More long filaments in that same area.

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21 2014 Sunshine

Continued test driving the new scope today and added my 60 back into the mix for a full disk capture Conditions were good with no wind ., it is nice to be getting some good days for this.

Today's Disk

The rest of today's images were done with the new SkyWatcher

Western Limb

South Eastern Limb

AR 2005

AR 2011

AR 2013

Prom on the Eastern Limb

Thursday, March 20, 2014

SkyWatcher 100 APO / PST Mod

I have updated my mod page now to include the details of my latest solar weapon , There will be more to this mod at a later date , I have a SM 90 II etalon ordered for this scope so stay tuned for further developments .

More Test Images from March 18 2014

I had another go with the new SkyWatcher mod on the 18th . The viewing conditions were not as good as they were for the first light images but the scope still did a decent job . Most of the images were similar to what I posted on the 17th but these are a bit different . I am hoping Bill will have some images to contribute soon

From March 18 , long filaments everywhere !

South Eastern Limb with AR 2002

Western Limb with a couple small proms

Long Filament @ 1.6X

Monday, March 17, 2014

First Light Images with a New Modded Scope

I have always wanted to try a PST mod in a scope with better glass than my current XLT acro .. The donor scope for this new project was a SkyWatcher Equinox-100 Pro / Fluorite ED APO . I had all the pieces to build a second mod as long as I used the Moonlite that was on my SM 60 , so my 60 is back to original now with the helical focuser . I will update my mod page soon with the details of the new scope .
  The day was clear and wind was not an issue but the sky's were not as steady as I would have liked but the videos were pretty good and the individual frame captures looked impressive to me . I have discovered one thing I will change but so far I am pleased with the initial results .

First Light Captures S/W 100 / PST  900mm FL  March 17 2014

Western Limb with AR 2005 in the upper right

South Eastern Limb AR 2002 area

AR 2005 @ 1.6X

AR 2002 @ 1.6X

Prom and a Filament @ 1.6X

Saturday, March 8, 2014

These won't compare with Mike's images from March 07, but I did manage to get a couple of images in before the clouds close clear in on me.  :-)

The eastern limb using a 2.5 Power Mate -

The eastern limb using a Barlow lens -

AR1993 -

Near the western limb -

AR1998 0n the eastern limb -

A late addition.  From the western limb in - AR1989, 1993 & 2001.

Friday, March 7, 2014

White Light Test March 7 2014

I picked up a SkyWatcher Pro 100mm Apo to try with a future mod and I am waiting for some additional pieces to arrive . The main piece is a Coronado SM 90 etalon . I am anxious to try a decent Apo refractor with an almost full aperture etalon . In the mean time I thought I would try it with my Lunt wedge for some white light images . Here are the AR's from today , enjoy !


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Finally A Day Of Sunshine

Looking at the date of my last post I can see it has been 3 long weeks since I have been imaging . Weather conditions were -4C with a fair breeze so it felt colder than it was . Viewing conditions were not great and made any up close shots difficult .Any way it was good to be back out there , this winter hasn't offered many opportunities  for either of us , hopefully this will change soon .

Here are some of today's captures March 6 2014

South eastern limb showing AR 1995 & 1991

Western Limb with AR 1998 @ 1.6X

A closer look at AR 1995 and a Floater   1.6X

Eastern limb and filaments

And a non inverted black and white version