Sunday, September 29, 2013

My good friend Bill has generously offered to share this blog with me. . One of our goals is to be able to offer images as close to a daily basis as the clouds will allow . We will also offer information about our modded solar scopes and what we use to take the images you will see here . We are pooling our resources to try to bring you some closer views of our nearest star and to keep as close to a daily record of the events that happen up there as we can . We hope you enjoy what you see .

best regards
Mike Bridges

Now on with some images !

A full disk from Sept 28

.These are some surface features starting with AR 1846 heading for the limb
AR 1850
A large filament and some random surface detail

I will finish today's post with this prom shot , Enjoy !

1 comment:

Bill Griffith said...

Just beautifulMike. I'm so pleased that you joined me on the blog.